yahweh tendereza ministries

Loving Our Neighbours As Ourselves

YAHWEH Tendereza Ministry is a holistic Christ-centered discipleship ministry grounded in God’s word and dedicated to empower the families of Bugoba through spiritual, educational, and economic training in order to point people to Jesus Christ and enable them to live fully for his glory.

Yahweh Tendereza Ministries Today

Our current status in empowering the families of Bugoba through spiritual, educational and economic training.

Yahweh tendereza school

The school is comprised of nursery and Primary levels 1-7, with 430 students and 3 brick classrooms. 

Bugoba House Church

Yahweh Tendereza Ministry is currently the only Christ-centered village church in a Community with over 80% of its population as Muslims.

Bugoba House Church

We empower village women who suffer injustices including sex trafficking, HIV+, widowed, with housing, healthcare, employment, and child education.

Our Children, Our Future

Children enjoy a lesson in arithmetic. Our goal is to improve and push further the education of the children in Bugoba. When you sponsor a child, you help us provide food, clothing, medical care, education and a safe place they can call home. . Sponsor a child today and make a lasting impact in their lives.

Social Impact

We have been called to share the love of Jesus in our community of Bugoba through education, empowerment, providing medical care, and raising future leaders. We’d love to invite you to join us. We partner with individuals, teams, and organizations to raise the support that gives love, hope, and a bright future to vulnerable women and children, youth in our community. We value every partner and would love the opportunity to connect with you in a unique and meaningful way.  Please click the button to complete the form below for more information on how to be involved 

Farming Outreach Programs

At Yahweh, we strive to build authentic relationships with the people we serve. One of the ways we do this is through our farming program. This farming program teaches individuals in our community of Bugoba new farming techniques so that they can support their family and strengthen their community


We have been called to share the love of Jesus in our community of Bugoba through education, empowerment, providing medical care, and raising future leaders. We’d love to invite you to join us. We partner with individuals, teams, and organizations to raise the support that gives love, hope, and a bright future to vulnerable women and children and youth in our community. We value every partner and would love the opportunity to connect with you in a unique and meaningful way